Friday, October 18, 2013

Blog Post #4
Suzanne Bachman

1. Amended-Verb. To make minor changes in order to make it fair or more accurate.
It was amended to reflect changes that happened over time.  Found in New York Times Article

2. Avoision- Noun. The arrangement of one’s financial affairs so as to avoid or minimize tax liability in such a way that it is not clear whether this constitutes lawful avoidance of tax or illegal tax evasion.
If the tax rate goes up, the avoision scheme gets more popular.   Found on a New York Times article

3. Flummox-Verb (Used with object) informal.  To bewilder, confound, confuse.
I was very flummoxed by the hard math problems I had to do.  Found in Cosmopolitan magazine

4. Compile. Verb (Used with object) To put together, (documents, selections, or other materials) and to gather together
I have to compile all my documents from work today.  Found in text book

5. Blowzy-Adjective. Having a coarse ruddy explanation/Disheveled in appearance
The girl tries to fix her makeup; she looks sweaty and blowzy.  Found in Cosmo

6. Laudable. Adjective. (Of an action, idea or goal) Deserving praise and commendation
I got a job as manager where I work.  That was a very Laudable achievement for me.  Found in a text book

7. Demur. Verb.  Raise doubts of objections or show reluctance/ The action or process of objecting over something.

My mom and dad had consented without demur to my marriage, and they were happy that I was happy.  Found on website
8. Abhorrent. Adjective.  Inspiring disgust and loathing; repugnant
I was abhorrent when I found out there was an unknown hair in my soup. Magazine

9. Expedient. Adjective. (Of an action) Convenient and practical, although possibly improper or immoral. 
That law was passed, but some people say is is expedient.  Found on New York Times.

10. Connote. Verb. (of a word) Imply or suggest an idea or feeling in addition to the literal or primary meaning.
I do not know her very well, but her tattoo could connote different feelings.

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