Friday, December 13, 2013

Blog Post 9 -Suzanne Bachman

This article in the New York Times was very compelling.  It is about this man that went to jail, and while he was in jail he painted, and created artwork to show his feelings inside the jail walls.

The interview in this article is very interesting and really tells the story about this person.  Jeff Green was the interviewee and is the head of Connecticut’s Prison Arts Program.  He was quoted in this article.  

“That he had art, that saved him,” he said of Mr. Skakel. “That gave him a way to continually have evidence that he was who he thought he was and not who his day-to-day world told him he was.”

This really adds to the story.  This is a really good quote to add to this story.  You know from this quote how this man really expressed himself through art.  

This really is a great quote and adds personality and really tells how this man is, while expressing himself through artwork.

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